The Zero to One
The Zero to One

Unlock the growth secrets of the world's leading startups in just 5 minutes a week!

Each week I reverse engineer the actionable tactics that grew the world’s biggest startups. 🚀

You get the roadmap to replicate it. Without the hours of research

Join top founders from ClickUp, Morning Brew, AppSumo, Stan, Karat, and more.

What Founders Are Saying

“Cheers Sheldon! This was very well researched and you clearly understand our Values. Keep posting quality stuff like this and Zero to One will blow up in no time!”

John HuCEO at Stan

“dude very solid write up!!! Your stuff is good.”

Noah KaganCEO at AppSumo

“Sheldon, your write-up on ClickUp is UNREAL!”

Chris CunninghamFounding Member of ClickUp

“I love your newsletter! I think it is super insightful. Great work! :)”

Patrick StasekCEO at Fanblast